Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Coming to Paperback 2013!

Dear faithful Romany Epistle readers, I have an exciting announcement to make. 

The Romany Epistles are finally coming to paperback!

We only have two slated for release this year, 
but I can assure you that more will be following them.
Taerith and Wren will hopefully be the forerunners of most of the other books.

To celebrate this momentous news, I am happy to share the offical series trailer.
Please share it with your friends and spread the news.

Now is the perfect time to reconnect with the authors of the books 
and see what we have been doing. Some of us have quite a few books
in print to entertain you as you wait for the releases.

The Official Wayside Writer's Page - 

Charissa Taylor (Lees)

Rachel Starr Thompson

Rachel Rossano

The others are about too, but they don't have many official places to catch them. If you want to connect up with them, comment here or on the Official Wayside Writer's Facebook page and we will try to connect you. Words of encouragement can mean a lot.

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